
Begin at Telemetry, However. You can win by cutting costs using Verizon Connect.



Every business has to face the issue of the cost being weighed against their earnings in this regard, and companies that deal in logistics and supply chains aren’t any exception. Businesses with an entire fleet of vehicles may be exposed to massive cost fluctuations that are primarily out of control. Costs for fuel can spike suddenly due to changes in the political climate in the opposite part of the globe. That’s why fleet managers and business owners must always make sure that all other costs within the business are under strict control. This way, if diesel and petrol prices start to climb upwards, without notice, there’s a little space to take the brunt of the increase.

The most recent generation of technology specially designed for this sector will help cut costs across the entire business. Whenever the situation changes in a flash, the company can keep growing.

One of the most famous families of technology used in the fleet manager’s role is the telematics system on vehicles that are devices for tracking each vehicle that provides locations using GPS. In the past, these devices were promoted as a method for managers who could monitor the cars and drivers almost at the moment. The technology of telematics performs this function; however, the possibilities go even further, and businesses that are looking at these options could get a pleasant delight.

Fuel savings

Customers using Verizon Connect’s Reveal platform, for example, can grab all the bulls by their horns and tackle the issue of fuel prices directly. The Reveal dashboard displays office personnel whose vehicles are in the area about how it’s affected due to traffic congestion, road conditions, and local occasions. For instance, the business can save fuel by taking the information and redirecting vehicles closer to pick up.

The same technology also helps operators understand how, as time passes, traffic blackspots change. When designing routes, this technology can be utilized to plan to avoid problems before they occur.

Live information about changes to routes (canceled pickups and drop-offs and requests for transport, and other such information) available across the screen means businesses can plan for better avenues.

Integrated technologies that work together improve the customer experience; however, they also ensure that no dollar of fuel is wasted. The vehicles that sit idle can be a significant source of money. Therefore, real-time data from Google Maps and Verizon Connect Reveal transform stationary vehicles into productive ones.

The ability to make money off idled vehicles is precisely what Midwest Foods and Liquor achieve after “a little bit of education,” according to the company owner, Shane Alderdice. “The drivers have turned the truck’s engine off, and it is quite obvious that we’re beginning to conserve fuel. This will have a huge impact on cost reduction across the board.” said the CEO.

A smaller number of mechanics

One of the initial applications of GPS technology as it first became popular was to make sure that cars were operated safely and legally. It’s still a significant benefit of telemetry, but road behavior can be forgotten when drivers are faced with deadlines.

Fleet management

However, better routing puts less stress on motorists and, therefore, more cautious road behavior. This means less fuel burned but, most importantly, fewer visits to repair shops for damage to the bodywork and overtaxed suspensions, engine gearboxes, etc. Lower costs for repair shops are fantastic and allow companies to add vehicles to proactive maintenance.

Service schedules can be altered based on the information about routes. Vehicles that are known to spend most of the day refueling require more frequent attention than long-haul vehicles. The information provided by Reveal is the basis for this type of analysis, ensuring that trucks and vans are scheduled for maintenance before issues arise and repair and maintenance appointment times are set for more peaceful times.

Technology is also highly effective in bringing alarms to fleet managers. Pay attention to the instances of jobs appearing (according to timesheets) to take excessive time. Of course, there are instances where employees commit massive timesheet fraud. Some anomalies are quickly remediated as outlined by NQ Cranes’ Wayne Leppien:

“According to the timesheet of a driver states that , the driver started work at 6 am and completed his shift by 5 pm , however, in reality, he arrived back home by 4 pm. Therefore, we could now call his cell phone and ask him, “why did you delay up with it until five o’clock?’ He could respond, ‘I did not take lunch.’ That’s significant for businesses and can help save time, production, and even money.”

Of course, technology can’t provide leadership and assist companies in developing strategies across the entire fleet. However, when utilized to the fullest extent, using the latest advancements in advanced platforms such as Verizon’s works well with the fleet managers’ innovative thinking.


In the past, GPS-based on-vehicle telematics only served a couple of reasons. Today, the top market players have extended the boundaries of the modern world of fleet management possibilities. The positive side is that cost reduction is now the main driver for the technology, and improvements in one sector can result in positive ripple effects across the others. From finance, purchasing, maintenance, customer service, and more tod, ay’s Verizon Connect Reveal is driving improvements in the fleets of New Zealand and Australia.


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