
How mental toughness can help business leaders achieve more remarkable success.



I believe there isn’t enough talk today about mental toughness. People tend to be complacent and avoid doing anything that doesn’t make them feel at home.

Over 3,000 entrepreneurs have been my mentors, and I’ve never met anyone who had an easy life. It is hard, but we have to learn to persevere. We put effort into learning, building, and growing in almost every aspect of our lives. We exercise to strengthen our muscles, and we study to improve the quality of our minds. We push. We push. Exams can be difficult. Although losing weight can be very difficult, we work hard to make it easier. Instead of focusing on our mental toughness, why not work harder?

How can you increase mental toughness? These are the three things that I have seen work extraordinarily in my own life and my clients.

1. Refrain from the urge to wish that life was more accessible.

Jim Rhon once stated, “Don’t wish it were easier, wish that you were better.” This is something we all struggle with. Sometimes we wish life was more straightforward than it is. This fantasizing can cause mental damage. It is possible to have a difficult life, but it can also be rewarding. It is not easy to learn any skill, but it becomes easier with time. It is hard for babies to walk, but they make steady progress.

If we were honest, almost everything in the world would follow this pattern. If we want to live a life of continuous improvement, we must always learn or try something new. We doubt ourselves, aren’t sure of our abilities, are overwhelmed by the challenges, and don’t believe we can do it. That is where real progress starts.

Indeed, things may not be as easy as they seem at first. It is wrong to wish it was easy.

2. Examine every thought.

Although there are many ways that our mental toughness as business leaders can be challenged, the primary thoughts that drive them are simple. I encourage you to examine every idea, even the negative ones. Ask yourself, “What does it mean?” “How exciting would that story sound when I get past this?” “What can I learn from this situation?”

As business leaders, it is possible to get into impossible situations, disappoint those we trust, and even disappoint ourselves. It’s not the outcome that matters but how we react to it. Before allowing any thought to enter our subconscious or take control of the situation, you need to investigate it.

3. Reframe your perception of gratitude.

My coaching clients have an everyday activity that I use to help them see gratitude differently. Let’s do it together.

Get a piece of notepad, a pen, and some paper. Take a piece of paper or a tablet and write down the top three issues that concern you right now. Choose the most worrying one from the list.

Close your eyes, and visualize a problem ten times worse than the current situation. Next, imagine what it would be like to live in the worst-case scenario. You might be able to see the good in your case and feel more prepared to tackle the next challenge.

Every situation can be worse than the one we are currently in. By focusing on the positive aspects of our case, we can harness this power and build mental strength.

We face many challenges in business. We can achieve the next level in achievement and success by improving our mental toughness. Refusing to wish that life were more accessible, examining every thought, and changing your perspective about gratitude are great ways to increase mental toughness and achieve more tremendous success in business and life.


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